Lawn Disease Control

Customized plans to treat and prevent lawn fungus

If you’re noticing dead grass, brown spots or yellow rings in your lawn, it could be a sign of turfgrass disease caused by a fungal infection. Elite Landscape Solutions provides expert lawn disease control in Wichita and surrounding areas. We’ll inspect your grass blades and roots to assess your lawn and recommend a customized treatment plan to kill the fungus and restore your lawn to health.

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Lawn Fungus Wichita KS
Lawn Disease Wichita KS

Lawn Fungus Diagnosis and Treatment

There are two main types of lawn disease: patch diseases and leaf diseases. Both are caused by fungus but they require different treatments. Large patch disease, for example, attacks turf roots while leaf spot disease shows up on grass blades.

If you suspect your lawn has fungus growing, it may be tempting to run to the local home improvement store for a bag of fungicide. But while applying the correct fungicide in the right amount can quickly get your lawn looking green and healthy again, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Applying too much can damage your grass further while the disease rages on. You need a lawn disease expert to evaluate your turfgrass, identify the fungus that’s causing the issue, and then develop a plan to kill the fungus and prevent it from growing back.

Common Lawn Diseases We Treat

  • Brown Patch
  • Dollar Spot
  • Fairy Ring
  • Fusarium Patch
  • Leaf Blight
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Red Thread
  • Rust Disease
  • Yellow Patch

Expert Lawn Disease Control in Wichita

Elite Landscape Solutions is a Wichita landscaper experienced with identifying and treating lawn diseases. You can count on us to identify the fungus that’s creating problems for your grass and then recommend a treatment plan to clear up the issue. We’ll also suggest a follow-up lawn care strategy to keep your grass healthy and fungus-free.

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Grass Cutting Service Wichita KS


How do I get rid of lawn disease?

A fungicide will need to be applied to kill the fungus that’s causing your lawn disease. It’s important to identify the type of fungus so the right product can be used. In addition to lawn disease treatment, regular lawn maintenance and an ideal watering schedule will help restore your grass to health.

Will lawn disease go away on its own?

Unfortunately, lawn disease doesn’t go away on its own. In fact, untreated lawn fungus spreads easily in the wind, on grass clippings, on your shoes and even on your mower blades. The sooner lawn disease is identified, the easier it is to treat. Request a free estimate today!

How can I prevent lawn disease?

The best way to prevent lawn fungal diseases is to follow a lawn care plan specifically for your grass type and climate. This includes watering your lawn the correct amount so the roots will grow deep and the grass won’t be too wet or get scorched. Aerating the soil can help with this, since compacted soil prevents grass from developing a deep root system. Overseeding will help your lawn grow thicker so fungus doesn’t have room to grow. Additionally, make sure your lawnmower blades are sharp so you won’t damage the blades of grass when mowing.